Hospitals are no longer exempt. As of January 1, 2020, the California Energy Code will now incorporate Occupancy Group “I”. Currently, California’s Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) projects must follow the California Energy Commission’s Title 24, Part 6 Energy Code.
Is the function of many healthcare facilities make strict compliance with title 24 energy codes, the extent of the extent oh of the requirement is somewhat limited to compare to other building occupancies
I’m sure there will be a learning curve for many design professionals and the owners until we are used to applying the energy codes for healthcare.
I was fortunate enough to join the recent Energy Code Ace Webinar, below is a link to the handouts which provides a good guideline to the requirements.
Energy Commission Hotline – this is another great resource for questions
Building Energy Efficiency Standards – Title 24
Toll-free in California: 800-772-3300
Outside California: 916-654-5106
Decoding Energy Standards for Healthcare, Guideline