Electrical Engineering
Full service electrical design services from concept through close out and commissioning.
- Electrical infrastructure studies and master planning
- Renewable Energy and Microgrid
- Emergency Power and UPS Design
- Lighting and Daylighting Design
Healthcare Design
Hospitals are complex highly regulated buildings, requiring a high level of expertness
- EEOR for over 30 OSHPD projects
- New Construction and Masterplanning
- Remodel and Equipment Replacement
- Shutdown Support and MOP Preparation

Project Support
Engineering focused project management, committed to delivering better outcomes.
- On site owner representation
- Peer review services
- System shutdown MOP development,
- Emergency power systems start and commissioning
Construction Technology
Design/construction, technology consulting delivered from a project leadership perspective.
- Digital workflow and adoption evaluation
- Business case development
- Change management – human and technology
- Construction solution validation/evaluation